
Skier Tumbles 1,600 Feet Down a Mountain, Somehow Survives

One skier hit the slopes in a big way, tumbling 1,600 down a mountain.

Pro skier Ian McIntosh was filming a scene for the documentary Paradise Waits when he fell 1,600 feet down an Alaskan mountain and managed to walk away.

In footage of the fall, McIntosh stumbles down the mountain and is blanketed in snow as cameras film him from above.

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His microphone was still on as he was fell down the mountain. He could be heard screaming “No,” quite a few times before hitting the bottom and telling the crew: “I’m okay.”

He told Teton Gravity Research: “My slough took over and there was no way to stop, I pulled my airbag to help prevent against any possible trauma injuries as I tumbled to the bottom.”

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The film follows a group of pro skiers and snowboarders as they travel the world hitting the most unique terrain.

Watch Below: Danger on the Slopes! Drinking While Skiing