Watch Crews in Tokyo Shove Commuters into Packed Trains

Commuters across the U.S. are experiencing similarly chaotic scenes on their way to work.

Coast to coast, millions battle their way on and off public transit.

From traffic on highways, to forcing your way into a packed subway car, it can be Hell on wheels.

INSIDE EDITION rode the rails with weary commuters in New York, Boston, Chicago and Oakland, California.

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 Though different in many ways, the cities share the same headache: there are simply too many people and not enough trains.

Transit expert Sam Schwartz said: “Transit is at an all-time high across the United States, which means we're doing something right.

"On the other hand, it means we're packed like sardines on some trains. It means they have to watch trains go by because they can't even squeeze on.”

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As the number of commuters increase, more and more riders are putting up with more and more aggravation.

“I don't know if we're going to get to the point of Tokyo where they actually shove people on to the trains but we're getting close to that,” Schwartz said.

In Japan, trains are quickly jam-packed to such an extreme, men in paid positions are tasked with shoving commuters in place.

So hang on tight commuters— it's going to be a bumpy ride.