Here Are The State Department's Tips For Traveling Amid Safety Concerns

The State Department released a bulletin warning Americans to be wary of traveling anywhere in the world.

Just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, airports and train stations are beefing up security.

The State Department has released a bulletin warning Americans to be wary of traveling anywhere in the world following information that "ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions."

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The alert, which is in effect until February 2016, doesn't tell Americans to avoid traveling but it does urge them to: 

 - Follow instructions of local officials

- Be aware of your immediate surroundings in public places or while on transportation

- Avoid large crowds

- "Exercise particular caution" at holiday festivals or events

- Keep up-to-date with media and local information when planning to travel

- Be prepared for additional security screening when traveling

- Stay in touch with family members and ensure they know how to reach you in an emergency

It comes as a Russian fighter jet was blown out of the sky by Turkey, where officials say the aircraft violated its air space.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin called it "a stab in the back" by terrorist accomplices.

Watch Below: Why Terrorists Communicate Through PlayStation