Lauren Barton wanted to lose some weight before seeing her family and friends at Thanksgiving.
A woman desperate to lose some weight before seeing friends and family on Thanksgiving underwent a laser fat reduction procedure to shed a few pounds.
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INSIDE EDITION was there as Laura Barton got her taut new tummy.
She said: “It's just one area that no matter how much weight I lose, it's the last thing to go.”
Dr. Jame Heskett says she sees a lot of patients who want to look their best around the holidays.
“It allows them to show up and feel confident and not be distracted by something that might be bothering them,” she said.
She underwent iLipoXcell, which used laser technology to shrink the 28-year-old marketing manager's fat cells.
“When it shines into the fat cells actually causes the natural dumping of the contents of the fat. The fat cell's like a balloon. And when the content steps out its like air going out of a balloon and that fat cell will flatten. We can get a bunch of fat cells to flatten, and then she will shrink,” she said.
Lauren was wide awake throughout the non-invasive, painless procedure.
Following the procedure, she noticed the difference.
“I definitely have more space, a little more room for dessert.”
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Her mother couldn't believe the transformation, saying: “She looks fabulous. I mean, this is like overnight.”
Lauren admitted: “I feel confident, and now that I know that this is what my body can look like, I wanna keep this.”
Watch Below: Size Zero Woman Who Got Liposuction: I'm Not Superficial