
Dying Aunt Tells Nephew She Has a Long-Lost Picasso Hidden in Her Home, But is it Real?

Carl Sabatino's aunt revealed on her death bed that the painting was hidden under her sewing machine.

One man’s aunt told him on her death bed that she housed a hidden treasure – a Picasso painting.

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Carl Sabatino showed INSIDE EDITION the painting. 

How this Picasso came into Carl’s possession is quite a story. It starts in World War I when his uncle bought the piece for and astonishing $30 in London.

Carl remembers seeing it as a kid: "My brother and I called it the lady with the fuzzy hat." The actual name of the work of art is "Woman with a Cape.”

In the ensuing decades, his aunt kept the painting safe and secure in her Singer sewing machine.

Before she passed away, she told Carl to check under her sewing machine and that's just what he did. 

Art experts point out that a Picasso that looks just like the one his family had hangs to this day at the Cleveland Museum.

Carl believes Picasso duplicated the art work to test out a new paint he was using back when “Woman with a Cape” was painted.

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Carl took the painting to art appraiser Richard Beaulieu who looked at the painting and the paper work behind the research of the work of art.

Beaulieu told INSIDE EDITION: "The time period it came out of and all of the paper work that came with it, the provenance on it, the signature on it, the forensics report -- I really am convinced it is the real deal." 

One of the most shocking pieces about Carl’s painting is that there is a thumb print on it. He speculates that it is Picasso’s actual print and will sell anywhere between $25 to $30 million. 

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