Thinking Outside the Box: How to Wrap Christmas Presents Perfectly

There's no need to dread wrapping presents thanks to these easy tips.

There's no need to dread wrapping presents thanks to these easy tips.

Jeffrey Payton of Papyrus gave INSIDE EDITION some advice for how to perfectly wrap gifts.

1. Fold the paper right to the edge of the item

Rather than stop the paper halfway across the gift, line it up with the edge of the item.

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2. After tucking in the sides, flip the box over

Make it easier to handle but turning the box over to finish off the sides of the gift.

"You want to flip the box over and do the same thing on the top," Payton said.

3. Use different types of paper if you're running out

Don't throw paper away if it seems like you're about to run out - just tape it together with another type of holiday paper.

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4. Think outside the box

Alternatively, to make sure the paper covers the gift, turn the paper at an angle and bring the corners into the middle of the gift.

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