14-Foot Alligator Gets a Little Too Close to 3 Girl Scouts Swimming in Lake

“I was really scared,” one of the girls tells Inside Edition.

A terrifying moment between an alligator and a Girl Scouts troop was caught on camera.

The three scouts, Wren, Delilah, and Kylee, were all swimming in a lake when the 14-foot reptile approached them.

Witnesses described the alligator as being in “attack mode”.

“I was really scared,” Wren tells Inside Edition.

Delilah’s mother, Nichole Glenn, the troop leader, immediately jumped into action to protect her scouts.

“The only thing I could think of was to get between them so if the alligator did go after somebody, it would go after me,” Glenn says.

A local sheriff later arrived and closed the beach as the alligator continued to lurk around.

After making it through the scary situation, the three Girl Scouts are calling themselves the “Gator Girls.”

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