Man Who Lost 425 Pounds Dancing to Taylor Swift Gets Excess Skin Removed, Reveals New Look

INSIDE EDITION was there for the latest part of Ronnie Brower's incredible journey.

One of Taylor Swift's biggest fans was inspired to lose 425 pounds by working out to her music. Now he's dealing with all the skin that was left over.

Ronnie Brower underwent more than 15 hours of surgery remove more than 35 pounds of excess skin, and INSIDE EDITION was there to see his new body.

Read: Watch: Man Inspired By Taylor Swift to Lose 425 Pounds Reveals Excess Skin

Plastic surgeon Dr. Dennis Hurwitz grabbed a piece of flabby flesh and said: "When he leans over, this won't be flabby, it'll be tight."

The extensive procedure did leave scars, but Brower says he doesn't mind one bit.

"I just tell people I got bit by a shark," he told IE.

Girlfriend Andrea Mascella, who lost 120 pounds herself, says she was inspired to shed weight by Brower and the two exercise together in Syracuse, New York.

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Now, for the first time in his life, Brower can actually fit into a dress suit.

"I'm the healthiest and happiest I've ever been in my life," he said.

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