This Sloth Got His Own Private Jet to Fly to New Home

No fair! A baby sloth gets a first class ticket aboard a private jet. On the plane, the sloth was fed and even got to see the cockpit.

No fair!

A three-month-old Linnaeus sloth traveled first class on a private jet to his new home in Pennsylvania. While on the journey, he was fed and even got to see the cockpit.

Before the journey, a breeder in Florida packed up the two-toed sloth’s belongings for his new home at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh.

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“While the National Aviary is America’s bird zoo, we are delighted to welcome another mammal to our collection,” National Aviary Director Cheryl Tracy said.

“The National Aviary features birds from around the world, including species of birds that in the wild share the same habitats as sloths. This precious little sloth will become an important part of our education programming, and will be an ambassador for his species, and for all those creatures that live in the rain forests and cloud forests of Central and South America.”

The sloth will participate in education programs highlighting rainforest species and the dangers they face from their rapidly disappearing habitat.

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"Our experience has shown that people are more likely to be moved to take conservation action and to care about faraway places like the rainforest when they meet and get close to amazing and beautiful creature like this baby sloth,” explained Tracy.

Beginning March 25, visitors may book a 30-minute private encounter with the sloth, during which they can feed and touch him.

Of course, they'll also likely be jealous of his celebrity treatment on the plane, too. 

Watch: Adorable Sloth Rescued While Clinging to Highway Guardrail