Teen Rents a Helicopter In Latest Extravagant Promposal

Brent Rivera, 18, said he knew he wanted his promposal to be "epic."

Over-the-top “promposals” are the latest trend among high school students issuing invitations to the big night.

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Brent Rivera, who at age 18 has his own YouTube channel with eight million followers, whisked away his date on a helicopter ride.

Flying high, Rivera pointed down below to show dozens of people holding umbrellas forming the all-important question: “Prom?”

“Oh my God, yes, I will go to prom with you!” exclaimed his date.

“There's a lot of pressure with promposals, especially these days. I knew I wanted to do something with a helicopter. I didn’t know it was going to turn out that good,” said Rivera.

In another outrageous promposal, a drone helps capture a moment straight out of The Bachelor.

“Will you accept this rose and go to prom with me?” a teenage Texas boy asked a girl.

She said yes. “I was very excited, very surprised,” she said.

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In Chicago, a high school dance troupe helped a teen with his spectacular promposal in a packed gym. His would-be-date to the prom was brought to tears before saying yes.

“I was so overwhelmed . It was beautiful. I loved it,” she said.

“I was nervous. My heart was racing,” he said.

Even some former presidential hopefuls rode the promposal wave.

"Hey Nico, it would be 'kay-sick' if you would go to the prom with Julia,” John Kasich said in one video.

In another, Ted Cruz helped out a boy with his proposal. “Sarah Beaver, would you Cruz to prom with Alex Canney?”

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