Oops! Congressional Candidate Accidentally Shares Screen Grab With Porn Site in Browser Tabs

Mike Webb is running for U.S. Congress in Virginia.

A candidate for U.S. Congress flubbed up a Facebook post on Monday when he shared a screengrab of his desktop that showed two browser tabs were on pornography sites.

Mike Webb, who is running for Congress as an independent in Virginia's eighth district after losing the Republican primary, posted the screenshot of a Yahoo search around 11 a.m.

For the next several hours, visitors to his page could see Webb's first two browser tabs from the time, which read, "LAYLA RIVERA TIGHT BO—" and "IVONE SEXY AMATEUR."

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The porn tab post met widespread ridicule before the candidate finally removed it and posted a bizarre explanation, the New York Daily News reported.

“Curious by nature, I wanted to test the suggestion that somehow, lurking out in the pornographic world there is some evil operator waiting for the one in a gazillion chance that a candidate for federal office would go to that particular website and thereby be infected with a virus that would cause his or her FEC data file to crash the FEC file application each time that it was loaded on the day of the filing deadline, as well as impact other critical campaign systems,” he wrote.

That post, which still showed the original tabs, has also been taken down.

In its place, Webb has posted a more updated (and porn-free) grab of his browser along with a Bible verse about forgiveness and a request that his focus on politics and not scandal.

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"THANKS FOR THE TAB CHECK, RANGER BUDDIES!" he wrote. "Lessons affirmed today include that we do expect our leaders to be examples of our highest ideals, but also, as we have seen for almost a year in non-traditional length posts, people are interested and motivated by truth and substance, not flash or even scandal."

The post went on to confirm that, despite many roadblocks, Webb will continue his run for Congress.

"In 2016, it's about choice; it's about leadership; and it's about time. I am Mike Webb, and I am running for U.S. Congress. Honest" he wrote.

The website mikewebbforcongress2016.com, however, had been shuttered as of Tuesday morning. A cached version of the site shows it was up and running as recently as May 8.

A contact number listed on the cached web page appeared to be disconnected on Tuesday.

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