
Wheel of Approval: Company Makes Adult-Sized Stroller So Parents Can Feel More Like Babies

In order to test their product, one company had to get a thumbs up from parents.

Wanna go for a ride?

A baby stroller company wanted to know if infants were comfortable in their product, so they created an exact replica for adults.

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Contours took their adult-size stroller around Chicago and asked parents to give it a spin.

The company also asked the parents everything they would ask a child  expect the adults actually had a response.

“It is very cozy,” one mom said.

“It is very comfortable,” a father declared.

One mom said: “I love it!”

The company’s spokeswoman also asked an infant in a Contour stroller how it feels, and of course, didn’t get an answer.

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Contours used the adult stroller as a marketing tactic to showcase their product in a unique way.

In a press release, Todd Tilford, FCB Chicago chief creative officer, said: "The problem with shopping for baby strollers is that babies can’t tell you how they ride or feel, and parents can’t fit into them. We solved the problem. Now parents can shop informed."

The adults were pushed, rocked and even sang to while inside the large stroller. It seemed like such a relaxing experience, an adult stroller may not be such a crazy idea after all.

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