The gaggle of "felonious fowl" brought traffic to a halt Sunday.
Let's move it along, folks. Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of geese in the fast lane, stopping traffic on a California freeway.
"This isn't our first rodeo with felonious fowl," Officer Sean Wilkenfeld of the California Highway Patrol in Oakland told Inside Edition Monday night.
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It appears there is only one barrier between a pond near Berkeley and the East Bay: Interstate 80. So when local geese want to visit the bay after visiting the pond, they go straight across the highway.
On Sunday morning, a gaggle of geese made the same trip, creating great confusion, a mighty traffic jam and several 911 calls about "birds on the freeway," Wilkenfeld said.
Highway Patrol troopers found the geese waddling in the westbound fast lane after they'd crossed the eastbound lanes and hopped over a three-foot high center divider.
Officers briefly closed the freeway and were able to corral them onto the shoulder and "we pushed them to the off-ramp," Wilkenfeld said.
How does that work?
California Highway Patrol/Oakland Division/Facebook
Because it's happened before, Wilkenfeld said, officers know that by turning on their loudspeakers and clicking their microphones, the geese will hightail it out of there.
The officers also position their patrol cars as a kind of funnel that leads the fowl to an off-ramp, away from the freeway, and toward the bay.
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Nonetheless, traffic did come to a standstill.
"It was obviously a spectacle," Wilkenfeld said. "Everyone was stopping to look."
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