
Hacked Roadside Construction Sign Calls Donald Trump a 'Shape Shifting Lizard'

Pranksters broke into a sign along a Texas roadway and changed the construction warning to read something very different.

Pranksters with a political message of sorts broke into a roadside construction sign and changed it to display something distinctly not traffic-related.

"Donald Trump is a... shape shifting lizard!!" the illuminated read-out advertised along Interstate 30 in Dallas.

A Bernie supporter hacked a road sign to share a public message about Donald Trump

— Mic (@micnews) May 31, 2016

Pranksters hacked into the sign sometime before Tuesday morning. The Anti-Trump message could be seen by commuters until about 7:30 a.m.

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Tony Hartzel of the Texas Department of Transportation told that this prank is no laughing matter.

"These signs were secured and turned off until someone broke into them to enter these messages," Hartzel said in a statement. "Such actions endanger the safety of themselves and motorists, and the messages could also become a distraction to motorists driving on the highway."

Hartzel stressed the signs cannot be accessed remotely.

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"The department is looking at additional measures to secure the signs. We encourage the public to report any suspicious activity around these signs," Hartzel said.

The Texas Department of Transportation also had to change two other nearby signs.

One of the hacked signs read "Bernie for President." The other sign encouraged Texas drivers to "Party Hardy Yall."

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