17 Bodies Found in Morgue Meant to Only Fit 4 in New Jersey Nursing Home Hit by COVID-19

Andover Nursing Home
Getty Images

So far 68 deaths have been recorded at the home, including two nurses.

An anonymous tip has led to a gruesome discovery at one of New Jersey's largest nursing homes: 17 bodies were piled into the facility's small morgue. The elderly people there were dying from COVID-19 at such an alarming rate that the staff was completely overwhelmed.

Police in Andover said they received the tip that bodies were being stored in the shed, but when they got there they were piled into the morgue only big enough to hold four bodies, according to a report by the New York Times. So far 68 deaths have been recorded at the home, including two nurses.

"People are afraid to come to work," said Police Chief Eric Danielson. "They're doing the best they can."

Family members of residents in the home are distraught. Anita Brown has been unable to visit her mother since March 1.

"They called us last night," Brown told Inside Edition. "She had a fever and she had low oxygen. They were just giving her vitamins."

The nursing home's owners have since acquired a refrigerated truck to store the overflow of bodies.