Momma Makes Raccoon Chain to Rescue Stranded Baby

With a little teamwork, a momma raccoon was able to rescue her baby.

A little teamwork went a long way for a family of raccoons separated by a concrete barrier.

Camdenton, Missouri, policeman Chris Williams was moonlighting as a high school security guard when he noticed two raccoons on the side of a road.

Read: See What Happened When These Animals Asked Police Officers For Help

He stopped and got out his phone, he told Monday. He watched in amusement as the momma scaled down a concrete fence to rescue a baby that had fallen onto the pavement, while another offspring at the top of the barrier held onto its mother’s legs.

“Great example of a mother’s love and teamwork!” he wrote last week after taking a 30-second video of the daring rescue, which has been posted by Viral Hog.

And, of course, it went viral.

Williams said he’d seen a deer bedded down on a high school field just the week before, and had snapped a photo of it. He and his co-workers lamented that he hadn’t recorded video of the strange sleeping sight.

When he stumbled upon the stranded roadside critters, Williams again pulled out his phone. “And I was lucky enough that it was set on video this time,” he said.

Read: Good Samaritan Saves 6-Year-Old Boy From Vicious Raccoon Attack

He’s been amazed by reactions to his post.

“I’ve been getting friend requests from all over the world,” he said.  At last count, he had 3,000.

His colleagues “just think it’s hilarious. Nothing like that has ever happened to any of us.”

Watch: Auto Body Tech Discovers Four Baby Raccoons Hiding In Car Engine