Police officers want you to know they'll take your dog if you leave it locked inside a car.
The message, as Florida’s Pensacola Police Capt. Stephen Davis explains it, is pretty darn simple:
“Don’t be stupid and leave your 2-week-old puppy in the car. Or your kid,” he told Inside Edition.com.
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The department’s Facebook page lit up after it posted two photos Tuesday – one showing a teeny-weeny puppy inside a car, and the other showing the car’s smashed passenger window.
The latter came courtesy of officers who responded to a call from a shopping mall parking lot where passersby heard the pup whimpering and saw the tiny pooch inside a locked car on a hot, sweaty day in the Florida panhandle.
The puppy, only two weeks old, was taken to the Escambia County Animal Shelter.
Davis said the puppy was later returned to its owners because the dog needed to be with its mother. He didn’t know how the baby dog got into the car or why it was left behind in the parking lot.
A phone message left by Inside Edition with the county animal shelter was not returned Wednesday.
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The police department left a stern warning with its Facebook post.
“Don’t. Just don’t. If you leave your dog in a hot car and that dog is suffering, we will do whatever we have to do to free him. Or her. Doesn’t matter, we like both kids of dogs.
“We will drive your pooch to the caring folks at the Escambia County Shelter and we will drop you off with the caring folks at the Escambia County Detention Facility. You will both receive attention, food and shelter, albeit different kinds. So, don’t.”
Watch: Police Officer Refuses To Leave Stray Puppy's Side After 12-Hour Shift