Matt Dillon To The Rescue

When a woman collapsed at LAX, Matt Dillon lept to the rescue to help until a medical team arrived. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

A real-life drama is just moments away for movie star Matt Dillon at Los Angeles International Airport.

As the 44-year-old actor waits at the check-in counter, a woman at the front of the line suddenly collapses.   

Dillon and other passengers rush to her aid, helping her to her feet.

He helps steady the unidentified victim and eases her into a chair and then makes sure there is medical help on the way.

"Can you please get somebody here? Let's get them here," said Dillon to an employee.

After several minutes, the sick woman was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, and Dillon played down his role in the drama. 

"No man, she just, you know, collapsed," Dillon said.