
Shady Past of Former Beauty Queen Revealed After She Alleged Chris Brown Pointed Gun at Her

The former beauty queen has now come under the microscope following the singer's arrest.

The woman at the center of the Chris Brown arrest has been put in the hot seat as some elements of her past have emerged.

Read: Woman Who Accused Chris Brown of Pulling Gun on Her: 'I Thought He Was Going to Kill Me'

Baylee Curran says she went to Brown's house Monday night to talk about appearing in a music video and ended up, she says, with a gun pointed to her head.

In making the claim, the spotlight is falling on what some say is her sketchy past.

Four months ago she was dethroned as Miss California Regional Beauty and now pageant officials have come forward to explain why her crown was taken away.

One official told Inside Edition: "Miss Curran was dethroned for several allegations, some of which included racial comments, threats to other contestants as well as racy photos that were given to us."

The officials said the dethroned beauty queen has refused to return her sash and crown, which has left the new Miss California Regional Alyssa Smith disappointed.

At a press conference recently, she said: "It would be nice to have one [a crown and sash] of course, but I will continue to fulfill my duties anyway."

The pageant drama isn't the only issue coming to light about the dethroned beauty queen's past.

Read: Chris Brown Streams Bizarre Rant Before Arrest for Alleged Gun Threat

Back in 2013, at The Plaza Hotel in New York City, court papers indicate Curran was accused of threatening a friend and stealing $2,000 from her.

She denied any wrongdoing and was never charged. She’s also accused of claiming a hit man had been hired to kill her. But that case was dismissed when she failed to show up in court.

Chris Brown denies Curran's allegations. 

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