The Fast and the Furious: Handcuffed Suspect Steals Police Car, Leads Cops on Chase

He fought the law and the law won.

One man tried to give police the slip after he was arrested by stealing a cop car — while handcuffed.

Cops say Tanner Allen Beauvais slipped one of his hands through his handcuffs and took off in the police patrol car that had been driven by the Oklahoma State Troopers who busted him in Tulsa early Thursday morning.

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Troopers said Beauvias was initially pulled over because they suspected he was driving under the influence. A trooper found meth and a needle in Beauvias' pickup, according to authorities, and handcuffed him.

When Beauvias was placed in the police cruiser, authorities say he slipped one of his hands out of the cuffs and took off in the cop car. A trooper jumped into the suspect’s pick-up truck and gave chase.

Beauvias ditched the cruiser and ran away on foot. But Tulsa Police caught up with him on a boat after he ran down a steep river bank.

Trooper Dwight Durant said: “We don't want it to happen but when you get a determined individual like this individual was, these things can happen."

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Beauvias was taken to the hospital to get checked out, but has since been brought to jail. He now faces charges that include drug possession, DUI, unauthorized use of a vehicle, and assault and battery on a police officer.

He'll also have to answer for the two other outstanding warrants when he faces a judge next week.

His bond has been set at $11,350.

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