Little Kadim Lewis was playing a game on his mother's smartphone.
A little boy playing a game on his mother’s cell phone was seriously burned after it burst into flames, his family said.
Six-year-old Kadim Lewis was sitting in his grandmother’s bedroom at his New York home, fiddling with the Samsung Galaxy Core when it suddenly caught fire, grandfather John Lewis told WCBS-TV.
Read: Family's Car Destroyed by Exploding Samsung Phone That Was Recalled 3 Days Earlier
“He was playing with the phone because he always has it,” Lewis told the station.
The boy’s mother, Marsha Lewis, said “The phone caught on fire, then the battery exploded, so he threw it on the floor. Then it was just like fireworks in the house.”
A frightened Kadim ran outside. Police and a fire truck arrived because the burning phone set off the house’s smoke detectors.
“We all were nervous,” said Kadim’s house.
The child was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was treated for first-degree burns Saturday night.
Kadim went back to school this week, despite his bandaged hand and his newfound fear of cell phones.
“He was kind of timid because he doesn’t want to see no phone,” his grandpa said.
Samsung recently announced a global recall of its 2-week-old Galaxy Note 7 phones, which a different model than the Lewis’ device. The company warned that lithium batteries manufactured by a sub-contractor were faulty, and were responsible for 35 confirmed cases of the phones catching fire.
The FAA warned passengers to not turn on or charge the devices while onboard planes, and to not store them in checked baggage.
In a statement, Samsung said, "We take every report very seriously and have contacted the Lewis family to learn more about their situation. As we are currently looking into this case, we are unable to comment further right now," NBC News reported.
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