Boy Caught Sneaking Into Neighbor's Garage to Hug Dog Gets His Own Pooch

The new dog's name is Drake, and he's a black lab.

Remember the little boy captured on surveillance video sneaking into a neighbor's garage to hug the family's dog?

Read: Masked Robber Bitten by Loyal Dog After Turning Gun on His Owner: 'We Take Care of Each Other'

Nine-year-old Josh Breaux of Louisiana was missing his own pup that had died two years before. But he no longer has to love on his neighbor's pooch.

Josh has his own dog now, courtesy of his loving mom.

Read: Videos Show Cops Fatally Shooting Pet Dogs After Responding to Wrong Homes

"His name is Drake and he's a black lab," the boy says, proudly introducing his new pet to Inside Edition.

Watch: Boy Caught On Video Sneaking Into Garage to Hug Dog: 'He's Over Every Day Now'

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