
Michelle Obama Responds to Melania Trump's Plagiarism, Says She Has 'No Sympathy' for Political Spouses

The first lady also said she would love to be stranded on a desert island with Beyonce.

Michelle Obama spoke out for the first time about Melania Trump's rip-off of the first lady's speech at the Republican National Convention in July.

Read: Melania Trump's Speechwriter Comes Forward, Saying She Offered Resignation but Trump Rejected It

She appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Tuesday night, when the host brought up Melania’s RNC speech and her plagiarism of Mrs. Obama’s 2008 DNC speech.

The first lady gave a stern look to the host and said: “Yeah. That was tough.”

The host also asked Obama if she has any sympathy for the spouses of presidential candidates.

She quickly said: “No, not really. You have to be in it. If you don’t agree then you shouldn’t have agreed before they ran. If I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not have supported his run. I stand there proudly and I hope they are standing by their spouses proudly.”

The first lady and the host also appeared in a sketch together where they turned his set into a fort and had a sleepover as if they were children.

Read: Michelle Obama's Stirring DNC Speech Brings Crowd to Their Feet: 'When They Go Low, We Go High'

As they noshed on healthy snacks like broccoli and carrots, she asked the host: “If you got stuck on a desert island with one famous person, who’d you pick?”

He answered: “Oh, I’d pick the president. How about you?"

“Beyoncé,” she replied.

He then asked: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, can I change to Beyoncé?”

Where the first lady said: “No, she’s mine.”

As the audience chuckled, he asked if he could visit the two of them. Mrs. Obama replied: "Maybe.”

Watch: As Obamas Hit the Big Screen, Actors Open Up About Roles of Future President and First Lady