Be Our Guest! Single Mom Breastfeeds Baby at Disneyland as Princesses Line Up for Photos

"I don't know if they noticed. The only person that recognized was Princess Cinderella. She just came back later," Mari Villaluna said.

A hungry baby doesn't stop for anything — even if a Disney princess was asking for her photo while breastfeeding.

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Mari Villaluna, a single mother from San Francisco, said she was looking forward to taking her baby to Disneyland when her sister came to visit last April.

They sat down at a restaurant when suddenly, little Ami Chinni, who was only 2 month old at the time, began crying.

"When I say crying, I mean it sounds like screaming," Villaluna joked.

She then began to nurse her baby — at the same moment her sister had beckoned Belle from Beauty and the Beast to their table, and pulled out a camera.

"They said, 'Smile'," Villaluna said, "I didn't want [my baby] to miss out on the opportunity."

Before she knew it, her sister had snapped a photo of her nursing her baby next to a Disney princess.

She shrugged it off, and had continued to breastfeed when Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog strolled over. Again, her sister snapped a picture.

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"It looks like a big thing to do, but really it was normal. I don't know if they noticed or they didn't notice," Villaluna told "The only person that recognized was Princess Cinderella. She just came back later."

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