
3-Foot-Tall Stuffed Purple Monkey Spotted in Different Places Around Town

"The weirdest place was probably on the roof," joked Brittany Hayne, who won the monkey at a town fair.

Meet Mr. Monkey, a 3-foot-tall purple stuffed animal that residents of Knox County, Tennessee have reported spotting in bushes, in a pile of leaves, on a satellite dish and, most typically, in a tree.

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According to Brittany Hayne, Mr. Monkey was a prize won from a town fair, and eventually gifted to her younger sister Sheylynn for her 11th birthday.

"She loved it," Hayne told

Because it was so big, she said her family decided to keep it in the living room, until one day, Mr. Monkey ripped.

"[She] and my little brother James were jumping on top of the monkey and wrestling with it," she said. "Beads started falling out of it and getting all over the house."

Frustrated by the mess, Hayne said her dad brought Mr. Monkey outside, and placed it in a tree because "monkeys belong in trees," she said.

Since then, Hayne said her dad has been moving it to a different spot every few nights.

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"Kids around town have taken notice and look forward to going to school, so they can see where the monkey is," said Hayne's step-mom, Alissa Spitler, according to WVLT.

"The weirdest place was probably on the roof," Hayne joked.

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