
Blade Runner: Thief Dressed in Ninja Costume Swipes Sword From Comic Book Store

The weapon is reportedly the only thing he took.

This ninja wasn’t worrying about anything other than completing his outfit when he broke into an Alaska store Friday, apparently with the sole intention of stealing a traditional Japanese fighting sword.

A person clad in full on ninja-wear broke into Bosco’s, a comic book store, after it had closed for the night. Store employees later realized one thing was noticeably missing from the business: A white katana sword.

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According to a store employee, the burglar’s point of entry into the store was damaged, but the store quickly had it fixed.

The store filed a police report, according to KTVA

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“APD was amazing,” he said in his email. “They arrived very quickly and were incredibly professional. It was fun watching them on the video footage go about what must have been a very hair-raising task.”

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