
2022 Will See Significant Increases in Minimum Wages, Analysis Shows

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10 years after beginning the Fight for $15, jurisdictions will be increasing their minimum pay rates for hourly workers.

According to an analysis released by the National Employment Law Project (NELP), 2022 is set to break records for increases in the minimum wage across the country. 

2022 also marks the 10-year anniversary of Fight for $15, where fast-food workers pushed for increased minimum wages. 

For 21 states and 35 cities and counties, the minimum wage is increasing as of January 2022. In 33 of those areas, the lowest hourly pay rate will be $15, with some being higher. 

According to a poll done by CBS News, 71% of U.S. residents support the increase of hourly wages. Even so, 20 states have continued to keep their minimum rate at $7.25, the same it has been since the 2009 increase despite inflation. 

The tipped wage also remains at $2.13 — the same federal rate it has been since 1991. 

According to the analysis, the raise amounts will vary, ranging from a heightened $9.95/hour in Ohio and South Dakota to $18.50 for the craft store Hobby Lobby’s full-time staff. 

Some areas will make increases to their minimum rates later in 2022, resulting in 81 jurisdictions altering their minimum wage after the total 25 states and 56 municipalities have settled in.

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