Can a person live for an entire year for free? One man is doing it and INSIDE EDITION caught up with him to find out how he's doing it.
Josh Stevens was a complete stranger to the couple who are letting him sleep in their apartment. If Stevens survives the next three months, will give him a $100,000 prize.
Stevens was selected by the website to try to live an entire year using only their coupons, which they call Groupons.
"It's been amazing getting to do all those bucket list things in such a short period of time," said Stevens.
This 28-year-old has no job, no money, yet he is living the high life. He rides in hot air balloons and drives ATV's in the desert. He even gets spa treatments, and none of it costs him a dime.
"For one entire year my only currency is Groupons. No cash, no credit," Stevens told INSIDE EDITION.
Stevens is a former accountant from Chicago. He has already spent the last nine months living for free by trading his coupons with people like Phil and Relissa Clark. In return they let him stay in their San Diego apartment for free.
"I mean he's a loveable fellow," Phil said.
Stevens used Groupons to take them on a kayak ride in exchange for their hospitality. He also treated them to lunch at a trendy restaurant in Seaside. They ate a $25 meal that cost them nothing.