It's been twenty years since the nation was captivated by Anita Hill's claims against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Now, a former lover of Thomas reveals some bombshells of her own in a new book. INSIDE EDITION talks to the author.
It remains one of the most electrifying stories of our time: Supreme Court Justice nominee Clarence Thomas denying allegations of sexual harassment from former employee Anita Hill.
"He spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films," Hill said during the trial.
The whole country watched as Hill spoke about Thomas's alleged appetite for pornography. While it went on, a woman who might have shed light on the matter remained in the shadows.
Twenty years later, Lillian McEwen, a criminal defense attorney tells about her long romantic relationship with Thomas in her new book, "DC Unmasked and Undressed."
INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander sat down with McEwen.
"You wrote in the book that he was obsessed with porn," Alexander said.
"For Clarence, it was having a collection of magazines that he enjoyed and kept, and looking at movies. He also enjoyed talking about porn, describing the people he saw," McEwen replied.
But you might consider that mild news compared to this stunning revelation:
"You talk about about how you and Clarence participated in three-way sex. With a Supreme Court Justice!" Alexander said.
"I never thought of that as unusual. He wasn't on the Supreme Court at the time. He wasn't even on the bench at the time," McEwen replied.
McEwen said she ended the five year long relationship with Thomas in 1986. She decided to tell her side of the story after news broke that Thomas's wife Virginia had called Hill out of the blue and demanded an apology.
"Virginia made the call to makeher husband happy. She thought she was doing her husband a favor, she was being a loyal wife," McEwen said.
Now, two decades later McEwen is finally making her thoughts known about the scandal that rocked the nation.
"It was terrifying to me to see it happen, because I felt like I was going to be sucked into it at any minute," McEwen said.
To read excerpts from McEwen's book, click here.