Was Michael Jackson Murdered? Daughter Paris Claims People Were 'Out To Get Him'

The 18-year-old made the shocking statement in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

Paris Jackson has made a sensational claim that her father, the late King of Pop, was murdered.

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The 18-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson told Rolling Stone magazine that her father "would drop hints about people being out to get him. And at some point he was like, 'they're gonna kill me one day.'"

The magazine says she is "convinced" her dad was somehow killed.

"Absolutely," she says. "Because it's obvious. All arrows point to that. It sounds like a total conspiracy theory. But all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. It was a setup."

The interview, which appears in Friday's issue, is the first in-depth interview the daughter of the "Thriller" singer has ever given.

The revealing profile dives in on how she tried to take her own life when she was 15, slashing her wrists and taking 20 Motrin pills in the process.

"It was just self-hatred," she told the magazine. "Low self-esteem, thinking that I couldn't do anything right, not thinking I was worthy of living anymore."

She also said that when she was 14, an older, "complete stranger" sexually assaulted her.

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"I don't wanna give too many details. But it was not a good experience at all, and it was really hard for me, and, at the time, I didn't tell anybody,” she added.

She says she suffers from depression and anxiety, just like her father. After spending time in rehab, she said she is now sober and has a new outlook on life.

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