Blind Mother Says Her Sight Returned After Visiting Church

Dafne Gutierrez lost her sight in November 2015, she said.

An Arizona mother says she now has perfect vision after going blind more than a year ago.

Dafne Gutierrez, 31, claims she was the recipient of a miracle after visiting the St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Phoenix.

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"I told my doctor that I knew God had healed me," she said. "He kept asking me, 'Where did you go? What did they do to you?'"

At the church, a priest prayed with her as she stood over the relics of Saint Charbel, a Lebanese monk, in January 2016, she said.

“I felt different in my body,” she told Tuesday. "I can’t explain what I was feeling."

She went blind in November 2015, she said, after suffering intracranial hypertension, which causes swelling in the brain and in turn damages optic nerves.

But one day after visiting the church, Gutierrez said her eyes began burning.

“I was afraid to open my eyes,” she said. “Once I did, I saw shadows."

And as her husband’s outline loomed before her, "I could see him."

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The mother of four went to her doctor and reported her newfound sight, she said. “He told me it was all in my head,” she recounted. “He told me to come back in 72 hours.”

She did, and after undergoing a vision test, her sight in each eye was measured at 20/20, she said.

Her doctor and his staff have no explanation for her regained sight, she said. He also warned that her blindness may return.

“They say they don’t know if I’m going to wake up tomorrow with no vision,” she said. “I have faith that I’m going to keep staying like this.”

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