Mother Finds Solace in Letters She Found After Teen Daughter's Death

She had forgotten her daughter penned the letters.

A Georgia mother who lost her teen daughter to a car accident has found comfort in letters that she left behind.

For Cindy’s Mathis' birthday last year, her daughter Macy, then 16, wrote her 25 inspiring letters to encourage her — but little did Macy know, her mother would need them in the future more than anyone would realize.

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“I didn’t know that I would need them more now, and I am very thankful that she did them because I really treasure them. Every one of them is uplifting and she knows me, she really does," Mathis told

Macy and her boyfriend Adam both died after a tragic accident last November when their car lost control and crashed into a tree, just a mile away from Macy’s home.

In the midst of Cindy’s grief, she’d forgotten all about the letters, but they came at just the right moment.

“It was about a month after Macy had passed. I was cleaning out my trunk and I found one letter that said, 'When you can’t sleep, open this,'" Mathis told "I grabbed it and I screamed bloody murder."

Cindy sat down with her three other children and they read it, holding each other as they did so, and cried.

"I realized after I read it, I threw it over my shoulder and took off inside because I remember she had wrote me more of these letters, and I just tore my room apart finding these letters,” Mathis said. “We had moved that previous summer so the letters were scattered here and there, and there was 25 of them. I had found all but one, and I think that one is going to pop up.”

The letters had thoughtful titles like, “Open when you’re excited about something," "Open when you need a laugh," and "Open when you’re feeling sick."

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Mathis said she’s only opened 10 of them because she wants to wait to until she does actually feel the things her daughter mentioned. She said the one titled "Open when you miss me” was one of the hardest to read.

“I truly feel these letters have kept me alive. Every time I feel like giving up, I’ll go open one, even one that I’ve already opened and just read it again, and I feel like, "You’ve got me girl, you’ve got me."

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