
Woman With Down Syndrome Makes Television Debut as Meteorologist

"My dream is to deliver the weather to people. And, this can open doors to other people with disabilities," said Melanie Segard, of France.

A 21-year-old with Down syndrome has become the new face of meteorology on a global scale.

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Meet Mélanie Ségard of France, who made her debut on live national television to deliver the weather forecast.

“It’s work, but it’s fine,” Ségard joked in an interview with Le Parisien, in French. “My dream is to deliver the weather to people. And, this can open doors to other people with disabilities."

Ségard was invited to France 2 Tuesday night, where she reported cloudy skies in most of the country and sunshine in the south following a four-day training period, where she learned all the ins and outs of becoming a meteorologist.

Her television debut came after a social media campaign "Mélanie peut le faire," or, Melanie can do it, by French non-profit Unapei, to promote awareness and inclusion of people with disabilities.

"I am different," Ségard wrote on the Facebook campaign. "But I want to show everyone there are many things I can do.”

Read: Girl With Down Syndrome Adorably Photo-Bombs Live TV Shot, Becomes Local Star

Unapei launched the social media campaign three weeks ago, and reached its goal of gaining 100,000 likes within 36 hours. The Facebook page now has more than 250,000 followers.

She reportedly received several offers to present the weather on other national television channels, but instead told Le Parisien her real dream career is to “become a makeup artist, and take care of celebrities."

Watch: Cloudy with a Chance of Wind: Kid Runs Into Meteorologist's Live Report, Predicts 'Farts and Toots'