Boy, 7, Dances Again After He Was Paralyzed in Car Accident Just Months Before

"Seeing him be able to move again with his dance rhythm, it's very encouraging because he's happy again," said Bruce's mom, Lyhoy Mansy.

Nothing can stop this California 7-year-old from dancing his heart out, even a devastating injury he suffered several months ago that left him paralyzed from the waist down.

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Bruce Mansy, of Fresno, could be seen in a video by Project Walk getting his groove on while strapped to cables that are helping to hold him up.

“Seeing him be able to move again with his dance rhythm even though he’s still on a harness, it’s very encouraging because he’s happy again,” his mom, Lyhoy Mansy, 33, told "He’s able to move and dance in a way where it’s different, but he’s still expressing himself."

Bruce suffered a spinal cord injury following a car accident last September. A driver reportedly failed to yield and crashed into a car driven by his father that was also carrying his sister Carrie, 3, and brother Jacob, 11. His siblings escaped the accident with minor injuries.

“Doctors [were] telling us there’s no chance of recovery, there’s no chance of sensation, or even the hope of movement at all,” Lyhoy said.

For the next several weeks, Lyhoy and her husband Samuel Mansy, 33, explained their son was incredibly depressed. Despite still being energetic, talkative and outgoing, "sometimes we catch him staring off into the distance, daydreaming a bit when he sees other children playing."

That’s when they began physical therapy with Project Walk, which specializes in helping those with spinal cord injuries get back on their feet.

"He just wanted to come home," Samuel told "The hospital made him work harder, listen, follow instructions, and there was no complaint at all."

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During rehabilitation, he used his love of dance as motivation, and trained his body to move again by doing the Whip, the Nae Nae and the stanky leg popularized by the 2015 Silento song.

"The harness," his mom said. "That’s what makes him dance."

And dance he does, which has given the boy new confidence.

"It feels like I’m famous, like a rock star," Bruce told

To support the family through Bruce's treatment, visit their GoFundMe page.

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