
5 Egg-Cellent Easter Egg Safety Tips You Need to Know

In preparation for Easter Sunday, here are some safety tips for your eggs.

They may bright and colorful, but there can be some dark, hidden dangers in those Easter eggs.

Before you paint the shells with your kids on Easter, Stacie Billis of has shared some tips with Inside Edition for a safe and joyous holiday.

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First, always use hard-boiled eggs, never raw.

"Since kids are usually helping to decorate Easter eggs," Billis said. "It's really important to use hard-boiled eggs, because if they crack, you want to make sure raw egg isn't getting all over the kitchen or their little hands."

And when it comes to coloring eggs, make sure you use edible dye only.

"You want to look at a package if you get one of those Easter egg coloring kits and really most of them use food grade dye, but look and make sure," Billis told Inside Edition. "Alternatively, you can just use food coloring, the kind you get in the baking aisle at your supermarket. It's really fun and you know that's safe."

Once the eggs are dyed, keep them refrigerated as long as possible.

"Be sure that eggs don't sit out for more than two hours," Billis said. "They need to go back in the fridge at that point, otherwise they are no longer safe to eat."

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And before using eggs in an Easter egg hunt, always check for cracks in the shell, because they can make you sick.

"Those cracks are where bacteria can really creep in and make the egg inedible.

And to be 100 percent sure your eggs are safe, Billis suggests making two batches.

"One for eating, the other for decorating, Easter egg baskets [and] egg hunts," she said. "Or, if you want to be really safe, you can just use plastic eggs for your Easter egg hunt."

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