Goat Gifted to 10-Year-Old As Early Birthday Present Saves Family From House Fire

Speedy, the goat purchased just two days ago, woke up 10-year-old Abigail by bleating and jumping as smoke filled their home.

A goat became the unlikely hero for this Arkansas family when he saved them from a devastating house fire.

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10-year-old Abigail Bruce of Poinsett County was asleep in the living room Saturday night when the family’s pet goat, Speedy, started bleating loudly and jumping on her legs and chest.

When Abigail woke up, all she could see was smoke, according to WREG.

She then dashed into her parents’ room, and alerted them to smoke that was filling up inside the home.

Her dad, Nick Bruce, then realized the flames were coming from the garage, and the smoke and fire was coming through the windows.

The family was able to escape through the bedroom window.

When the fire department later arrived to the scene, they were able to put out the fire but all of the family’s belongings were damaged by smoke.

But, Abigail and her parents were unscathed, thanks to the goat that joined their family two days ago as an early birthday gift.

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She guessed her goat might have panicked because he was having a hard time breathing, and woke her in the process.

"I didn't approve of him at first,” Bruce admitted. "But he’ll be here from now on.”

Officials believed the cause of the fire was an electrical problem.

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