
The Delta Flight That Raced Hurricane Irma - and Won

Delta 302 got out of San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the nick of time as Irma approached.

The last flight to take off from San Juan, Puerto Rico, as Hurricane Irma approached was three and a half hours of pure tension as the jet rushed to beat the storm.

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Radar images show Delta flight 302 flying a narrow corridor Wednesday, as Hurricane Irma loomed like a monster.

"I covered my head and my ears," passenger Sheila Sellers told Inside Edition. 

Aviation blogger Jason Rabinowitz followed every second of the flight on a tracking website.

"DL302 now taxiing for takeoff before #Irma gets really bad,” he tweeted.

“I was not expecting the response I got to this,” he told Inside Edition. “It was nail-biting, like, can they actually get back into the air before the personnel in the air traffic control tower evacuates and shuts down the airport?” he added.

Video was taken from onboard right after the plane took off. The pilot proceeded to fly his craft along that narrow corridor.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 on that flight, I would say I was 11," Sellers added. 

Rabinowitz watched in awe at the pilot's skill and tweeted: "Amazing stuff."

Read: Evacuees Trying to Leave Florida Before Hurricane Irma Complain of Outrageous Airfares

The flight arrived safely at JFK Airport in New York City. It actually arrived 30 minutes early.

The scene at Miami International Airport Thursday was filled with emotion, as huge lines of people formed to get out ahead of the hurricane's arrival. 

Some airlines are saying they are no more flights out of the city. 

Watch: How to Make an Emergency Survival Kit as Hurricane Irma Inches Closer to U.S.