Casey Anthony's brother Lee took the stand on day seven of the riveting trial and what he told the court may have hurt his sister's case. INSIDE EDITION has more.
Casey Anthony's brother Lee took the stand on the seventh day of the trial. Lee testified that he confronted Casey, demanding to know what happened to her daughter Caylee.
"She told me that she had not seen Caylee in 31 days, that she had been kidnapped, and that the nanny took her," Lee said.
"And your sister was specific about the number of days?" asked the prosecution.
"Very specific, yes."
He said Casey and their mother Cindy had a combative relationship and Cindy even told Casey she was unfit to care for her 2-year-old child.
"My mother had, numerous times, thrown it in her face that Casey was an unfit mother for Caylee and Casey says, 'Maybe I am.' "
"For the first time we're really hearing that Cindy Anthony believed that her daughter was 'an unfit mother.' What did you make of that testimony?" INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd asked In Session Correspondent Beth Karas.
"The defense wants the jury to believe she was a good mother but to have Casey's mother Cindy calling her an unfit mother, and they live in the same household and she would know, is pretty powerful evidence, and goes directly to the motive in this case," Karas said.
Lee said that for almost a month, Casey was evasive about where Caylee was.
He testified he asked Casey why she had been keeping her mother from seeing Caylee.
"She said, 'Because maybe I'm a spiteful bitch,' " Lee told the court.
The defense has said Lee once tried to sexually molest Casey, but he was not asked about that claim on the witness stand.