Cash Cat: Money-Snatching Office Feline Helping to Raise Money for Charity

His owner doesn't think the first person meant to lose their dollar.

One office cat is a certified hustler.

“Sir Whines-A-Lot,” who is the office cat at GuRuStu, an advertising company in Tulsa, Okla., has been the office’s mascot for more than two years, but employees at the company were recently surprised when they noticed mystery money laying around the animal on one Monday morning.

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GuRuStu founder Stuart McDaniel said at first he wasn’t quite sure how the money got there.

“The money was right at this crack in the door,” McDaniel told “At night, the cat people watches. I guess people were playing with him through the glass and someone decided to play with him through the opening in the doorframe and stuck a dollar through. I am not sure they intended to lose their dollar.”

When it kept happening, McDaniel decided to put a sign up on the office door in effort to donate some money to charity and dubbed Sir Whines-A-Lot with a new name, “Cashnip Kitty.”

The sign, which was put up at the end of August, reads: “Warning, Cashnip Kitty is hustler with a philanthropic heart. He will snatch your money!”

”We decided if they are going to keep doing it, we should give the money to something,” McDaniel said

The business adopted the kitty when they were undergoing construction a few years ago to help keep mice and other vermin out of the space, but everyone loved him so much that they kept him.

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Because Cashnip Kitty is a rescue himself, McDaniel thought it would be fitting to donate the money to a local homeless shelter, Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless

“It’s funny. He’s very much a cat with a personality,” McDaniel said. "There are some people he won’t do it for and then the next person that walks up, he’ll go right after them. He’ll just lay there looking at him, like knowing that have more money, like he wants a higher bill count."

Watch: Rescued Cat, Rat and Dog Just Can't Be Apart at Shelter After Becoming Friends