Congressman Anthony Weiner's name, the nature of the scandal, and his vociferous early denials make it almost certainly inevitable that he will become the punch line for the late night comics. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
It's a full-fledged Weiner roast!
David Letterman told his audience, "It's so nice today in NYC the entire staff was in Central Park writing Weiner jokes!"
"We will all remember where we were when we found out this is in fact Anthony Weiner's [crotch]," said Stephen Colbert.
"Fortunately this is the good news, he will still be allowed to keep his porn name, Congressman Anthony Weiner," joked Conan O'Brien.
The late night comics are clearly having a field day mocking Congressman Weiner's sexting scandal.
Weiner-gate even inspired a Letterman Top Ten list, "The Top Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before Tweeting a Photo of Your Deal."
Number seven was, "Do I have a last name that would make this especially embarrassing?"
Weiner also woke up to some harsh headlines.
"Yeah, I'm a Schmuck" blasted the New York Daily News. The New York Post said "Naked Truth," and a Post columnist writes "Congratulations Anthony Weiner. You are now officially the Twit of the Millennium."
Though Weiner is the subject of intense ridicule, old friend Jon Stewart managed to compliment the embattled congressman for the now-notorious photos.
"He's ripped! I can't believe this guy and I are the same [expletive] age!" he said on The Daily Show.