Disgraced Congressman Anthony Wiener has become the butt of many jokes. Now, even America's oldest sweetheart, Betty White, puts her comic touch on the scandal. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
You know you've become a national punching bag when even Betty White is making jokes about you.
America's 89-year-old sweetheart got a laugh over disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner when she co-hosted Live! with Regis on Tuesday.
Regis said, "[We're] having a lot of trouble here in New York, Betty. Did you hear about this Congressman Weiner?"
"Heard about it? I had his picture framed," said White, to big laughs from the audience.
On Letterman last night, White took a swipe at Weiner when she did the "Top 10" list.
Number 6 on her list of tips for living a long and happy life: "Avoid tweeting any pics of your private parts," said White.
Meanwhile, it looks like Weiner's wife has been doing a little texting of her own. Huma Abedin was photographed working her Blackberry during her trip to Africa with her boss, Hillary Clinton.
She was also photographed on the phone, but it's unclear whether she was speaking to her besieged husband in the photo.
Abedin is due back in the U.S. Wednesday. Her husband is reportedly waiting until she gets home before he makes a decision whether to resign his congressional seat.
As a grim-faced Nancy Pelosi met with other Democratic leaders to decide how to deal with Weinergate, President Obama joined the long list of those who think he should go.
"I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign," said President Obama.