INSIDE EDITION was in the courtroom as Jenny Sanford took the stand in divorce court to make her remarks about her soon-to-be ex-husband Mark Sanford's affair.
A poised Jenny Sanford reveals heartbreaking details about her husband's cheating scandal.
"Tell us how you learned of this relationship," said the judge.
"I discovered it when I found a letter a year ago January," said Sanford.
"And who was that letter between?" asked the judge.
"The letter was from Mark to this woman he believed to be his eternal love and his lover," replied Sanford.
She continued, "The children didn't deserve what happened to them this whole year. Their world has been turned upside-down."
Sanford wore a tan shawl over a conservative black dress for her big day in divorce court. Her disgraced husband, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, was a no-show, but he wasn't required to be there. Jenny made it clear to the judge that their marriage is over.
"Are you expecting any other children?" asked the judge.
"Oh gosh no," said Sanford.
Sanford testified about her husband's affair with a woman from Argentina, which he first admitted in a now-infamous press conference.
"We worked very diligently to put the marriage back together, including some counseling," said Sanford.
Sanford says she was actually willing to give him another chance. But he refused to give up his relationship with the other woman.
"I did learn repeatedly that he had intentions of seeing her. I repeated my efforts to make it clear that that was not allowed," said Sanford.
After court adjourned, INSIDE EDITION asked if she had any advice for another wife at the center of a national firestorm, Elin Woods.
"Hug your children," said Sanford.