A woman jumped to safety from a burning building in London as rioters continued to clash against police over a controversial police shooting. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
A wall of flames in London as chaos spread in the streets. For the third night in a row rioters smashed windows, and torched cars and buildings, and launching an all out war against police.
Cops were on the run, outnumbered and overwhelmed by thugs pelting them with bottles and wood planks.
The headlines today say it all. "The Battle for London," on The Guardian, and "Descent Into Hell," on The Sun.
A disturbing photo of a woman leaping from a burning building is fast becoming the iconic image of the terror that's gripping London. We're learning today that she survived, thanks to the police and some neighbors who ran to catch her just in time.
Several historic buildings are going up in flames, including a 100-year-old furniture store that had been owned by the same family for generations. Brazen looters are out in broad daylight. They even broke into the restaurant owned by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
Oliver tweeted: "Sadly my restaurant got smashed up. Windows all gone whole area closed, can't open, staff and customers all safe!!"
British Prime Minister David Cameron told an emergency session of Parliament that the images are "sickening." He's mobilizing an army of 16,000 police tonight to meet the rioters head-on.
Police say for the first time ever they are planning to open fire with plastic bullets on anyone seen looting stores and committing acts of arson.
The violence has been raging since Saturday, sparked by anger over the police killing of a young father.
Now the world is holding it's breath, waiting to see what will happen when darkness falls.