Mystery solved! Attorney Jose Baez confirmed that Casey Anthony is now back in Florida, and he says she's getting therapy and support after her stunning acquittal of the murder of daughter Caylee. INSIDE EDITION has more.
The mystery of Casey Anthony's whereabouts has been solved!
Casey's lawyer, Jose Baez, told Geraldo Rivera that Casey is undergoing therapy and trying to get on with her life.
"She is back in Florida. We brought her back," Baez said. "We're very concerned about her safety. We have her in a location that's very safe and she has people who care about her around her."
Casey returned to Florida in the event an appeals court upholds an order that she serve a year's probation in a check fraud case.
August marks what would have been the sixth birthday of her daughter Caylee.
"This past birthday of Caylee's was a very difficult time. You can only imagine what she's going through now," Baez said.
Baez says she has had limited contact with her parents.