Before President Obama made his speech to Congress on jobs, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House John Boehner were deep in conversation and it wasn’t about the economy. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
You won't believe what the hot topic was right before President Obama's big speech to Congress.
"Seven birdies, five bogies, I shoot 200," said Boehner.
"You're kidding me," responded Biden.
It was golf. That's right. House Speaker John Boehner and Vice President Joe Biden were caught on an open mic chatting about golf from the moment they shook hands.
"I played a little golf in August. I missed a four-foot straight-in birdie on the last hole," said Boehner.
"Whoa!" responded Biden.
Boehner wanted to talk about a round of golf he played in Nebraska this summer.
"One day I play great, next day I play awful. But this was the round of the decade," said Boehner.
"That's incredible," Biden replied.
The Speaker and the VP didn't know their conversation was being broadcast live on CNN.
Now their golf banter is the talk of the nation.
"Wow! You guys really are just as boring as we imagined you would be," joked comedian Jimmy Kimmel on his late night talk show.
That wasn't the only boys will be boys exchange caught on the open mic last night.
Biden pointed out his wife Jill, taking her seat in the House gallery.
"My wife is up there," said Biden.
"Oh, I see her. Cutest one in the row, by far," said Bohner.