First Lady Michelle Obama is known for her can-do attitude, so it comes as no surprise to many that she was spotted do her own shopping at Target. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
The First Lady was spotted shopping for dog food in Target.
Michelle Obama had her hair tucked up in a Nike baseball cap wearing sunglasses, and looking like a typical mom.
She was shopping at a Target in disguise, or an attempt at a disguise.
"What about that disguise? Better work on the disguise," said the Today Show's Savannah Guthrie.
Obama went unnoticed by other shoppers at the Target, just outside Washington in Alexandria, Virginia, on Thursday.
The only person to recognize her was the check out clerk.
She walked the aisles for 40 minutes, reportedly purchasing dog food, toys and treats for the First Dog, Beau.
Obama's aide, who was working two Blackberries at once, was right beside her.
There's also speculation that the guy who stuck close behind her was in Secret Service.
Obama has often talked about missing life as a normal person since becoming the First Lady.
She told the children of White House staffers just a few months ago in April, "[Before we lived here] I drove my own car, and I took my kids to school every day. I went to Target."
People are loving Michelle Obama the Target shopper.
"Love it! Keepin' it real Mrs. O!" wrote one INSIDE EDIITION viewer on our Facebook page.
Obama also isn't the first First Lady to crave normalcy. Hillary Clinton used to duck out of the White House for walks wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, and Laura Bush frequented a local Pottery Barn.