First Lady Michelle Obama reveals she frequently goes shopping without being recognized. Meanwhile, she joins 450 school kids to set a world record for jumping jacks. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Her recent undercover shopping spree at Target had the nation buzzing. Now the First Lady is revealing she goes to stores in disguise all the time.
"My secret's out, but we try to sneak out as much as possible? I do that more frequently than people realize. And it's amazing how people don't recognize me. They don't expect to see me at Starbucks. I actually took Bo to Petco and the cashier asked me, 'Oh, what kind of dog is that?' I said a Portrgese Water Dog. He didn't recognize us because he didn't expect that we would be in Petco," said Michelle.
Michelle says she throws on a baseball hat and sunglasses and grabs the kids to sneak out as much as possible, because it helps to keep them grounded.
"I've been in Baskin-Robbins a number of times. You know how the kids aren't really paying attention. They're looking right through you. They don't know it's me," said Michelle.
But the Today show's Al Roker had to ask, does the First Lady really stock up on things like toilet paper at Costco?
"Do you buy a lot of toilet tissue at once?" asked Roker.
"You know, we pretty much have our supplies stocked. I know, it's one of the advantages," replied Michelle.
And you may have seen the First Lady at the White House leading 450 school kids in a jumping jack session. They were trying to set a worldwide record for jumping jacks. But at the end of the event, the exuberant kids almost knocked Michelle off her feet.
The Secret Service actually had to come to Michelle's rescue, but she laughed off the moment when she was almost mobbed.