The nation was outraged over video of a family court judge beating his daughter with a belt. Now, INSIDE EDITION has learned the judge will not face charges for the shocking incident.
He won't be prosecuted. That's the official decision about the judge caught on camera beating his daughter with a belt.
The video of Judge William Adams laying into his 16-year-old daughter Hillary appalled America when it was posted online.
But the district attorney says the fact that the beating happened more than five years ago, past the statute of limitations, "prevents prosecution of any...criminal charge."
Police did say, "We believe that there was a criminal offense involved. Under normal circumstances a charge could have been made."
Meanwhile, Adams issued a combative three-page statement, referring to his own daughter by her full name, "Hillary Adams." He disputes her claim that she released the video after all these years because she wants her father to get help. The judge says she actually posted it to get back at him for taking away her Mercedes.
"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the car back," said Adams.
The judge also says it's regrettable that Hillary, who suffers from a form of cerebral palsy, would "use an affliction as a device for media sympathy."
In a video Hillary also posted on YouTube, the accomplished pianist explains how she overcame a disability that left her hands misshapen.
On the video, Hillary says, "These are a set of splints that I wore when I was little because my hands were always pulled up."
Hillary went on to play several times at Carnegie Hall in New York.
Court officials say Judge Adams will not be allowed to hear any child protective services cases, though one judge on the bench says he thinks it will be difficult for Adams to ever sit on cases again.