Alec Baldwin Reacts to Airplane Incident

Everyone has been talking about Alec Baldwin being kicked off a plane over an incident involving his mobile device. Now, Baldwin is reacting publicly to the situation. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

INSIDE EDITION has the first video of Alec Baldwin since returning to his penthouse apartment after his notorious airplane meltdown.

He refused to speak about the incident as he left home Thursday.

INSIDE EDITION asked, "What happened on the plane the other day?"

Baldwin replied, "You're in my way."

But more troubling details are emerging about the tantrum, which erupted when he was asked to turn off his cellphone.

One passenger says Baldwin screamed at the flight attendant who asked him to turn off the phone, "I want your [blanking] name right now!"

She answered back, "You can copy it from my nametag."

American Airlines says Baldwin then stormed into the bathroom.

"He slammed the lavatory door so hard the cockpit crew heard it and became alarmed. They immediately contacted the cabin crew to check on the situation," said American Airlines.

Whoopi Gooldberg has some advice for Baldwin.

"When they say turn off the phone, turn it off," said Goldberg.

That's also the view of other celebrities INSIDE EDITION caught up with.

Richard Lewis said, "When the pilot says turn off your phone, turn it off. You know, I love Alec, but he should turn his phone off."

Baldwin was absorbed in the scrabble-type game Words with Friends, prompting this crack from comic Dane Cook

"No more Words with Friends once the doors close on that plane," said Cook.

Jay Leno got a big laugh joking about Baldwin

"Well Alec Baldwin was supposed to be on the show tonight. He must have missed his flight. I don't know what happned," joked Leno.

Baldwin issued a half-hearted apology in an article for Under the headline "My Flying Lesson," he wrote:

"I would like to apologize to the other passengers. It was never my intention to inconvenience anyone with my 'issue' with a certain flight attendant."

But Baldwin kept up his attacks on American Airlines, claiming he was being singled out by the flight attendant, whom he likened to "a 1950s gym teacher."

INSIDE EDITION caught up with anchorman Brian Williams at the New York premiere of the movie New Year's Eve.

Williams said, "He apologizes to his fellow passengers, but he lashes out at what he called 'the 1950s gym teacher flight attendant' he had. It's classic Baldwin."

In The Huffington Post, Baldwin complains that cost-cutting has made flying "a Greyhound bus experience."

Now Greyhound is firing back. The company released a video of its swanky new bus with full wi-fi service and power sockets, and said, "Mr. Baldwin would have no trouble playing Words with Friends throughout his entire journey. In fact, he would be more than welcome to join us as he plans his next trip."

Ad executive Donny Deutsch says the rant aimed at the flight attendant speaks volumes about Baldwin's attitude to working stiffs.

Deutsch said on the Today show, "There is no excuse when you're the level of an Alec Baldwin, to berate and go after what I'll just call the little guys."