In the upcoming HBO film, Game Change, actress Julianne Moore portrays Sarah Palin and displays an uncanny resemblance to the former Vice-Presidential candidate. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
It's your first look at Julianne Moore's jaw-dropping portrayal of Sarah Palin.
The actress channels Palin in the just-released trailer for HBO's upcoming movie, Game Change, based on the bestselling book about the 2008 presidential campaign.
The movie also stars Ed Harris as Republican presidential candidate, John McCain.
Julianne Moore's Sarah Palin is already being compared to comedian Tina Fey's memorable impersonation on Saturday Night Live.
Meanwhile, the real Palin is embroiled in a new controversy, this one over the White House Holiday card.
The card features artwork of first dog, Bo lounging by a fireplace, with presents under a poinsettia instead of a Christmas tree.
Palin said in an interview, "It's odd," and wonders why the card highlights Bo the dog instead of traditions like: 'family, faith and freedom."
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow fired back at Palin on her show, showing a picture of the card, Maddow said, "All right America, how offended are you by this? I know right! It's how dare they?!"
In an INSIDE EDITION poll, 63 percent say they like the card, 31 percent don't like it, and six percent have no opinion.